Users can now view and download historical records for key gridded weather locations across their sites to see how the current season is tracking.
How can I access historical weather conditions?
Log in to The Yield Analytics Portal and click on Historical Data. Select your block, weather location, condition, time period and your preferred data point. You can also download this information into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the “Download” button.
What weather conditions are available to view?
These weather conditions are available for every weather location:
• Temperature
• Rainfall
• Relative humidity
• Wind speed and Direction
In addition, Weather Stations or MCSS sites also have access to:
• Soil Moisture
• Soil Temperature
• Leaf Wetness
• Photosynthetically Active Radiation
How far back does the data go?
Data is available for gridded weather locations from the point of site set up by The Yield.
Where is the data sourced from?
The data for all Gridded Weather locations is provided by our third party gridded weather provider. Data from Weather Stations or MCSS hardware sites is collected by the on farm microclimate sensing systems.
How granular is the data?
Gridded weather data can viewed daily or hourly.
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