Our latest enhancement enables you to view your 14-day gridded weather forecasts for all weather locations across all your sites. This enables further foresight when you’re planning on-farm activities and more informed decisions around irrigation, spraying and harvest.
What value do I get from 14 day Gridded Weather Forecasts?
Users will have visibility of forecasted gridded weather conditions 14 days in advance. This enables users to plan on-farm activities and make more informed decisions around irrigation and spraying.
How can I access 14 day Gridded Weather Forecasts?
You can access this feature via The Yield app. It is located in the centre of the bottom navigation bar identified by the grid icon.
You can access this feature via The Yield app. It is located in the centre of the bottom navigation bar identified by the grid icon.
What grid will I see if my farm spreads across multiple grids?
You will see data for the latitude and longitude where The Yield gateway is located on your site.
What details will I be able to see?
Each row corresponds to one day for which you will be able to see:
- Minimum and maximum air temperature
- Total precipitation amount
- Average wind speed
- Average humidity
These values relate to a 24 hour time period from midnight to midnight on that day.
How can I see more information?
Click on a row to see information detailed in 3 hour time slots, i.e. 6am - 9am, 9am - 12pm, 12pm - 3pm. See image below right for Wednesday, 17 July.
You will also be able to see the chance of precipitation for that 24 hour period.
Only forecasts up until 3pm are displayed, not actuals. For example:
How can I see more information?
Click on a row to see information detailed in 3 hour time slots, i.e. 6am - 9am, 9am - 12pm, 12pm - 3pm. See image below right for Wednesday, 17 July.
You will also be able to see the chance of precipitation for that 24 hour period.
Only forecasts up until 3pm are displayed, not actuals. For example:
- If the current time is 11am, then you will only see information for the 12-3pm time slot.
- If the current time is 4pm, then you will not be able to expand the details on the current day.
Where is the data sourced from?
The data is sourced from The Weather Company.
How often will the information be updated?
14 day Gridded Weather Forecasts will update hourly.
What does the orange and blue coloured bar next to the daily forecast indicate?
These coloured bars allow you to immediately see if extreme temperatures are expected. The orange bar will be shown when the temperature is expected to be over 32° C and the blue bar is shown when the temperature is expected to be less than 3° C.
The data is sourced from The Weather Company.
How often will the information be updated?
14 day Gridded Weather Forecasts will update hourly.
What does the orange and blue coloured bar next to the daily forecast indicate?
These coloured bars allow you to immediately see if extreme temperatures are expected. The orange bar will be shown when the temperature is expected to be over 32° C and the blue bar is shown when the temperature is expected to be less than 3° C.
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